
Time flies by so fast nowadays. When you're younger, parents and those older are always saying, "It seems like yesterday when you were little,"or "Where did the time go?". Now that I've been a momma for almost a year now, I know what they mean! This past year with my little boy has been filled with so much joy. There have been the hard times for sure, but the Lord has given me the strength to get through it and I have grown so much as well this year. My little baby is turning one next week, and although I am SO excited for this exciting time, I'm a little sad that my boy is getting big. Its bittersweet for sure. Landon has taught me so much already this year and I am so excited to see what this next year brings! He is so smart and funny, and the most gracious gift the Lord has blessed me with besides Bryce. I can't imagine my life without my Stinker, and everyday is the best day with him. Bryce and I have learned and grown together as well this year, and I am so thankful for Bryce and the sacrifices he makes for us. He is a great daddy to LJ and my heart explodes with happiness when I see them together. Lj is already so much like him its crazy! The older LJ gets the closer he gets to Bryce, which makes me so happy(and maybe a little jealous!).

So, since LJ's big day is just around the corner I thought I would do a recap of his first year through photos!
 Love at first sight:)
 His hair was so much darker when he was born!
 One of my favorites:)


                                                                                     First Christmas!

 Papa and Uncle B
 Hiking with daddy!

 Best buds

 Mimi and Papa

 First Mother's Day
 First Angel's game
 First Father's day

 Fishing buds

 Me and bubs
 Food monster

 Auntie Em's wedding

                                                           My boys

 I love you Landon boy! Mommy is SO proud of you and I cannot wait to celebrate you this week!
 <3 Kay


  1. Precious precious post! It DOES seem like yesterday when you, Jenna and I met up for lunch and you were ready to pop :) Time absolutely flies these days. I know it won't be long before I'm updating on Judah's first year. *gulp*. I'll start stocking up on tissues now.

    Love you, friend!

  2. It does go by so fast! Probably even faster for you sis!
    Landon, auntie bugg loves you SO much, and loves spending time with you!
    Love you guys!


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