LJ 9 months!

So, this is a little late but it's okay!

So my baby boy is now 9 months! Time is flying by way too fast, and my little man is growing more and more everyday. It's so cool to see his personality starting to develop and to see him really becoming his own little person. By the end of the day he has completely worn me out, and I'm one tired momma! However, I have been waking up early the past couple of mornings to have some alone mommy time, and it has been really good for me. I feel more awake and refreshed to start the day with my little stinker!!!We have a lot planned this up coming month so i'll make sure and post all the fun summer activities we do!
Here are some of the things my sweet boy is doing at 9 months:
- He says mama, dada, baba, and nana. He also babbles all day long and you can tell he is really trying to speak. It's so cute. He'll be standing alongside the couch just having a little convo with himself, so precious!
- He is cruising alongside everything that he can manage to stand on. He is also getting brave and trying to let go and take step to me! Maybe next months post he'll be walking!
- He likes squat when he plays, it's pretty much the cutest thing ever!
- He has completely mastered the crawl and is SO fast! I can barely keep up with him. Bryce and I need to re-baby proof the house this week because he is getting into everything! He currently is obsessed with the dog's water bowl!
- He loves to dance! His favorite song is "Somebody that I used to know" by Gotye. I know, not a really kid song or even a dance song, but there's something  about the beat that makes his little legs dance lol! The other day we were in the car and he had just drifted off to sleep and the song came on the radio. I look over at him and his little legs are dancing and he has one eye half open LOL! It was so cute! Also, if you tell him to dance when he's standing he'll shake his little booty. Definitely his momma's boy!
- He LOVES to swim! He kicks and splashes and is a total water baby!
- He still isn't that interested in eating solids but is starting to try a few more things. He likes cheerios, cousous and yogurt, he also likes bread and fruit, however he only likes sliced fruit and to suck on it(which makes me nervous because he tries to bite it!). He likes to feed himself and is so stubborn when I try to help! Hopefully this month he'll start liking solids a lot more, because this momma is getting tired of nursing all day still!
- He loves to be out and about, he gets bored indoors or at home all day. So, I really try to take him out as much as I can to play outside or swim now that its hot. Even just taking him outside to get the mail, calms him down a bit. He's definitely an outdoorsman like his daddy!
- Although he's getting big and a lot more independent, he still loves to snuggle. I soak up those opportunities whenever I can because he's growing so fast. He's definitely a momma's boy though, and I love it!
Well, that's what is going in little lJ's life right now, here are some photos over the last month!
 I love this picture of us:)

 He looks so big in this picture!
We both got our cheesy faces on lol
 Eating yogurt, of course he wanted to hold the spoon.

 Playing at mimi and papa's.
 He's so precious when he sleeps.
 Fun day at Lake Perris taking Bryce's dad's boat out!
 He got tired of the boat so we played on the beach:)
 Lj kinda looks asian in this pic lol
 First Father's Day, they were matching:)
 LJ and Papa:)

Pool time with Papa and Uncle B!

I hope you all have a great day! Thanks for reading!


  1. Kayla, that is such a beautiful post! LJ is getting so big so fast & we love him so much!!! The time we spend with hime is so precious!!!
    Mimi & Papa

  2. He is absolutely precious. I am so glad I got to meet him last month, even if it was for just a few minutes.... What a lucky little boy he is to have a mommy like you!


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