LJ- 11 months!

Holy cow, I can't believe my baby is almost one!!! This year is flying by way too quickly. Although, I love seeing my boy growing and hitting each new milestone, I can't help but getting sad to see him becoming less and less baby and more toddler! I am so excited to spoil him on his birthday though! It's coming up fast! This month has been hectic so I haven't been keeping up on my blog like I want to! Bryce and I were both in a wedding last week and we're moving this friday! Ah crazy! So many changes, and so much excitement! The Lord has been so good and I have been feeling so blessed by him lately!

Here's what my boy is doing at 11 months:
- He is eating SO good! LJ really started to love food this past month which makes me one happy momma!
-His favorite foods are, hummus, avocado, black bean soup, cheese, cereal bars, veggie straws, beans and rice, broccoli, and pasta.
-We started weaning him from nursing 2 weeks ago and its going really well! It was hard at first but I've got him down to nursing 3 times a day. I'm hoping by his birthday to only be nursing in the morning and then at night. This has been a hard transition for both of us, but also really exciting!
-Still not walking, but getting so close! He's freestanding a lot and taking steps to mommy and daddy.
- Waves bye, and claps hands when you "Go Angels!" ( daddy taught him that).
-Says momma, dadda, papa, bop(pip), that?, up, and babbles many more "words"!
-Really likes cars! The Disney Cars and cars in general:)
-Loves to cuddle and give kisses, I hope he never grows out of this stage!
- Loves playing outside and going swimming. Also loves taking a bath, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't get out if I made him lol
Here's some pictures of my little man:


 Lj and his Auntie Kelsi
 Blue eyes:)
 Helping momma pick out couches for our new place!

 Crazy boy:)

 Best kisses in the world!
<3 Kay


  1. Love, love, love these pics! He is tooooooo gosh darn adorable!

    and....11 months?!?! How did that happen so quickly?!?!

  2. I know! My baby is getting SO big! He's going to be one in 2 weeks from today!!!


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