
Lately I've been feeling overwhelmed and kind of down. We have had a whole lot going on lately with moving and a lot of good changes, however I found myself in a funk. So much in a funk, that I literally had a melt down the other day. Life had caught up to me and I was overwhelmed in every aspect.
 So, I've been doing a lot of thinking and praying lately. I realized I've lost who I am. I have begun to define myself as a mother and a wife but have completely neglected to focus on myself, my wants and my desires. Although I love being married and I love being a momma to LJ, I realized I rarely make time to do anything just for me, and when I do I usually feel guilty for leaving LJ or I feel selfish. Not making myself and the things that I enjoy doing apart from my family a priority have left me feeling very lost and disconnected from knowing who I am. So, after a great conversation with a good friend, I realized I need to figure out who I am. What makes me happy? Of course Bryce and LJ, and family and friends bring me joy, as well as God, but I have forgotten about the things that I used to really enjoy doing. For example, I used to paint and do photography. These things gave me a lot of joy and were great de-stressers. I have decided that I need to start making myself a priority so that I can be a better wife, mom, friend, daughter, and sister. I am going to make it a priority to have weekly alone time to reflect on who I am and to rediscover some of the things I enjoy doing. Most importantly, I am going to spend lots of time in prayer trying to see what God wants of me. What kind of woman is he trying to mold me into to? What kind of mother and wife do I need to be and how can I do that better and with a more joyful spirit. I am really excited to work on myself and to make time for me. This past month has been rough for me but I am excited to move forward and to discover who I am.
Thank you for reading.


  1. Praying for you, friend! Hope you're able to truly focus on God in order to find those things that make you YOU :)

    Would love to see some photography if you get back around to it!!!!

    P.s. You're beautiful! Inside and out!

  2. Praying for you sis! I love you very much and think you are a great woman! Remember I'm always here whenever you wanna talk! -bugg


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