My baby isn't a baby anymore.

The realization that I no longer have a little baby anymore is becoming more evident everyday. LJ is growing up into his own little person and although is sad to leave infancy behind, I am so excited to see him become a sweet, spunky and crazy little boy!
As of yesterday LJ has been weaned from breast feeding for a full week. It was bittersweet. Part of me wanted so badly to be done with nursing. I was over it, LJ had 6 teeth, was walking and I was ready to have my boobs back all to myself! However, there was a part of me that was sad to stop nursing my boy, because it meant he was getting older and not a baby anymore. So, after one long night of putting him to sleep with no "babas", and again not giving him any when he woke in the middle of the night, LJ was weaned. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I think the timing was perfect because we were just coming off being sick, and he hadn't been nursing as much anyways. I'm thankful that weaning was easier than I thought and I am relieved to not be breast feeding anymore!
Thank you baby boy for making mommy SO happy, thank you for challenging me, for making me grow up, and for showing me the beauty of the simply joys in life. Yay for being a toddler!

 Me and my baby!

Most handsome boy ever!

LJ recently just got his first haircut. I waited as long as I could to cut his little golden locks, but it was definitely time for a big boy cut! We took him to Kool Kids cuts in Rancho, which was SO fun for him and he did so good. He looks so cute now with his haircut and looks even more like Bryce! Here's some pictures of his haircut!

 He was SO excited to sit in the car:)

 He sat super still, SO cute



  1. You rock babe!! LJ couldn't ask for a better mom. I love you!!

  2. Thank you babe, he has a pretty awesome daddy too<3


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