
Sometimes life is just crazy. Actually all the time life is crazy. Sometimes crazy is good, and sometimes crazy is stressful. Lately I've been feeling stressed. I think the reality of parenthood has really hit me and Bryce. Everything changes when a little person enters your life. In my opinion for the better, but that doesn't mean life is easier by any means.
 Bryce and I are the first of our families to have a kid and the first of our best friends to have a kid, so sometimes we feel very alone. I mean we have a each other, and I'm so thankful for our marriage and how strong we are together, however sometimes it would be nice to have people that really understand how it is to be a young parent. You don't know what its like to have a baby until you have one, and I think even when you first have one it takes time for it to really settle in. I mean, when LJ was only a couple months, he was really easy to take everywhere with us. Now that he almost 8 months, he is definitely more needy. He gets bored, wants to get down and play, and frankly doesn't want to be lugged around. Recently we have realized that we were still trying to live lives of a couple that didn't have a little boy. Not like we partied or anything, but we would just go everywhere people wanted us to be-it friends, family, everyone. We realize that we have to be okay with saying "we can't" or "no" when we get asked to be somewhere if it is not healthy for LJ. And we are okay with that! We are realizing that when we strive to make our marriage and LJ the the number 1 and 2 priorities, we are happier!
I want to be the best momma I can be for him.  I want LJ to be proud of me and Bryce when he's older. And more importantly I want God to be pleased in how we have raised his child.
So, from now on I won't worry about pleasing the whole world. My goal is to have a happy husband and a happy baby boy. Because when they are happy, I am happy.
Being a mom is definitely challenging, and there's still a lot of learning I have to do, but I wouldn't trade my life for anything. There are definitely things I wish I would have done before I had a baby, but when I see that little boy smile at me, my world is complete. No longer is it about me, but its about him- and I am perfectly okay with that:)
 My Boy:)
 Trying to take his own picture
 Me and my boys
 Getting so big
 Favorite napping spot
Best buds

I hope this post is encouraging to other young mommas who ever feel alone or overwhelmed. It's okay to be stressed. It's okay to feel like a bad mom even though your not. Trust in God. Be best friends with your husband. Be the best you can for your baby, and never settle for being "good". 
Thanks for reading!


  1. You are amazing sissy!!! Landon and Bryce couldn't have a better wife/mom. I love you!



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