Changes for the better.

Growing up I wasn't the healthiest eater. I played sports so many nights we ate out or had cheap processed meals. Being athletic I never really realized what affect eating poorly did to my body. Plus, I always had the mindset that was "well whatever I'm eating isn't that bad", or "I'm gonna die one day anyways and it isn't because I had too much sweet n low"! But recently I've been thinking way more about my body and what I'm putting into it. I guess kind of started when I became a mom. I didn't just have to worry about myself, but now LJ and his health and his well-being.

I wanted to be better in every aspect that I could be, that included my poor eating habits. I had decided that I would make homemade baby food for him, so I bought all of this organic produce and was so excited to make him fresh food! However, then I started thinking, why haven't I bought organic and fresh stuff for me and Bryce from the very beginning.When we first got married, we ate horrible.We ate out all the time, had tons of processed food, and very little veggies and good food.When I was pregnant I had morning sickness, so I pretty much ate anything that wouldn't make me barf which was for some reason McDonald's french fries.

 So, wanting desperately to change I started to research healthier eating habits. Upon doing so, I stumbled upon this really great book that has really changed my life called The Kind Diet. Its written by Alicia Silverston (yes, the girl from Clueless), and is about living a vegan lifestyle. Now before you freak out, I'm not going vegan, however I have decided to be vegetarian.
After doing some research, I realized I could be alot healthier by removing meat products from my diet, as well as cutting back on dairy products. This is huge for me because I grew up eating meat. I loved ribs, and pork, and chicken, carne asada you name it! But I'm realizing to be healthier I'm going to have to change things up a bit. I have been vegetarian for just over a week now and feel great! I have lots of energy and Bryce says I've been in a really good mood! Bryce is being totally supportive and even took me to the Farmer's Market at Victoria Gardens on Friday to get me some fresh veggies.

 I am excited about this new and improved me and I feel so good about my decision to be a vegetarian. Hopefully Bryce will eventually do it too, but for now I promised I would still make him tacos every week:) I hope that all of you will be the very best you can for yourself, your family, and for God. The bible says to treat your body as a temple, and I definitely wasn't doing that before! But, I am trying my very best now!
Now, I know many of you are probably thinking, great now Kayla is getting all healthy, and she won't bake yummy treats anymore! Well, don't worry, I still LOVE to bake, but I will definitely be exploring healthier options in my recipes! Thank you for reading this long post, I hope you can too look for ways to make changes for the better. You only got one life to live, and one body so make the most of it!
With that i'll leave you with some of my favorite pics I took this week of my family.
 My boys at Bass Pro shops:)
 Playing at the park.
 Rockin' my new hat. And I had a good hair day this day:)
 He's getting so big! My sweet boy.
 My handsome husband, he hates taking pictures lol.
 The weather has been SO nice lately!!!
 My crazy dog Pip. He's more of a handful sometimes than LJ!
 My bestie Kelsi snapped this one of my boy:)
And one more of me and my boy, I love morning snuggles:)

Have a great week! I made some homemade mini poptarts that I will be sharing most likely tomorrow!!!


  1. Congrats on your decision to be healthier! I hear another healthy alternative is gluten free. Because you will be baking, it can be an alternative for others to try with your recipes. Even if people aren't vegetarian you can still provide them with a healthy alternative that I'm sure will still be yummy. (By the way I'm Ruby from CBC)

  2. Way to go Kayla... Great post. Isn't it amazing how much better you feel when the food you actually put in your body is fuel instead of just junk... BTW, try to soyrizo in your taco's... it's really good.


    Some great recipes here!


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