7 months:)

Today my baby boy is 7 months old! Holy cow time flies. I feel as if every day he is learning/doing something new! I am so blessed to be able to stay home with him on a full-time basis and not miss how fast he's growing up.
I decided that I would do a monthly post for my boy, to keep a record of how he's growing and all the new things he's doing. I wish I would have started this sooner, but I guess its better late than never!
So, here's all the things that LJ is doing at 7 months:
- He sits up all by himself
- He scoots! Everyday its seems that he's going faster and farther!
- He's starting to pul himself up onto things...like the rocking chair. HAHA.
- He likes patty-cake, swinging, and playing with Pip
- He likes to go for walks, and LOVES being outside
- He loves his baths now, he just gets mad when we take him out!
- He can say ba-ba, and i swear i've heard him say ma-ma :)
- His favorite foods (besides milk) are pears, apples, and butternut squash
- He got his first tooth 3 days ago! It's so cute, but I think he's getting number 2 so he's been kinda grumpy again.
- He likes to be read to and actually listens rather than trying to attack the book:)
- He loves giving kisses and gets me all slobbery 24/7!

Here's to my baby boy being 7 months old!!!


  1. Congratulations on the tooth, Landon! :) You'll be eating steak with your daddy in no time ;)

  2. He is a doll... There is a handprint craft idea on Pinterest that I wish I would have done with Michael and Katherine... You still have plenty of time. I will try to find the link and post... It is simple and super cute!

  3. http://crissyscrafts.blogspot.com/2011/04/kissing-hand-keys.html

    It would be cute to take a hand print every Birthday or maybe every first day of school...


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