My little stink is getting smarter and bigger by the day, sometimes I literally don't sit down all day except for nap time! He is keeping me so busy and I love it! He is at such a fun and crazy age right now! He is so brave and adventurous. He is also a lover and a cuddler. So here is what my boy is doing right now at this time in his precious little life:

- He walks like a pro- forwards and backwards lol! He also just learned how to spin in a circle and he thinks its the funniest thing ever!
- He thinks he can jump
- He nods yes, and seriously, it's the cutest thing ever!
- He talks a lot, says: momma, dad, dada, that, juice, yes, dog, Izzie(my sister's dog's name), papa, up, side(outside), truck, and a lot more babble!
- He LOVES to dance!
- Favorite movie is the Lorax and Cars, also likes to watch Dinosaur Train and Backyardigans.
- Favorite foods: pickles, strawberries, watermelon, banana, smoothies, Nutella, Annies bunnies, peas, broccoli, green beans, rice, beans, potatoes, pizza, and cereal bars.
- Wrestles with Pippen and gives him lots of kisses.
- Says/waves bye and blows kisses.
- Thinks its funny to run around the house naked!

My boy is growing fast and I'm so glad I started this blog to record it, and to share my life! Here are some of my favorite pics of my boy of the last couple of months!

 Pretending to be asleep
 With his Owlie
 Picnic at the park

 Pumpkin patch
 One of my favorite pics of him
 Helping daddy carve the pumpkin
 Munchin' on french fries
 Little lion man

 He was so excited about the fire truck

 He was ready to trick or treat!
 Fun day at the park
 I love their love for one another
Another one of my favs

Hope everyone is having a great day!


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