Fall Fun!

I love fall. I love leggings, comfy sweaters, the color scheme, leaves, the crisp air, apples, and everything that is FALL! So, since it is fall season, we have been getting in the spirit. I took Lj to the pumpkin patch last week and Bryce and I took him apple picking this week. We have a great time! I am so excited for this season and to make lots memories with my boys! Here are some pics from our fall adventures!
 Petting a baby goat at the pumpkin patch

 He liked the bunnies

I had to post this one too, not related to anything but this is LJ saying "cheese" LOL

                                               I love making sweet memories with my boy:)

 It was such a beautiful day!

 Needless to say he LOVED apple picking

 He totally pulled the apple off all by himself!
 Can't wait to try and make an apple pie!

 um yeah, that's my husband LOL
 "No mom, I don't want to give you the apple!"
 My little apple picker:)

 The End!


  1. the pics are sooo cute. thanks for sharing your family!

  2. Thank you for reading! i can't wait to show all my blogs to my kids when they're older! lol


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