LJ 10 months!

This is a few days late because we were on vacation in Big Bear this past week, but here is a 10th month update on my boy! I can't believe my baby is already 10 months! He is getting so big and definitely more of a toddler than a baby now, but in my heart he will ALWAYS be my baby!

Here's what Lj is doing now that he's 10 months:
- He is getting into everything! Whether is crawling around the house or cruising around anything he can pull himself up on, he's a movin' boy!
- He likes to drop and pick things up, especially in his high chair, which is making for especially messy meals. Love it!
- He's liking food a lot more now and in the past two weeks has been really eager to try new foods! Some of the foods Lj likes are: avocado, hummus, peaches, watermelon, veggie sticks, couscous, rice, bread, pasta, yogurt, banana, strawberries, and potatoes.
- He says momma, mom, dada, dad, papa, nana, baba, bop(pip), and said "duck" on his 10 month bday! He talks a lot now and definitely understands a lot of what we're saying to him.
- He points at everything now and says "dat?", so I've been labeling everything for him. It's so cool to watch him try understand the world around him.
- He loves animals and being outside. We are taking him to Seaworld next week, and I'm SO excited because I know he's going to love it!
- He took his first steps on July 10! He took 3 in a row, so we''ll have a walking boy soon!
- He loves to swim and splash in the bathtub.
- He loves to looks at pictures, its funny to watch him try to figure out how mommy can be holding him and be in the picture!
- He getting very independent which is good, but makes me a little sad because he's growing up too fast!

 At toys r us looking at possible bday gifts!
 He loved the cars! I love the focus in the next pic!

 At Bass Pro riding the carousel with daddy!
 First time at Chuck E Cheese!

 Riding the train at the mall:)
 Climbing on everything!
 Love his blue eyes<3
 Walking boy!
 Gosh I love this face! And his crazy hair lol!

 Eating his favorite food- avocado.
 Rearranging the furniture.
 Having a pep talk with Pip
 Fun in big bear!
 Stinker :)
 My sweet angel.
 My boys<3

I feel like he's grown SO much this month! I cant wait to update you on what new things he does in his 11th month! 
I am so blessed to have a healthy little man. He pushes me to be a better woman and brings the cheesiest smile to my face everyday. Bryce and I can't remember a world without him now and I'm glad because he makes our little world perfect! He brings so much joy into my heart that I feel like I'm going to explode sometimes! 
I love you Landon boy and I'm so excited to have so much fun this summer with you! And Bryce, your constant support in raising our boy make my job so much easier. Your a great daddy and I hope LJ grows up to be just like you. We're going to have the best summer! :)
Have a great Sunday everyone!


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