Good Friends

So, its been way too long since my last post! Holy cow its been like a month. But oh well! I'm going to try a lot harder to keep up more often and put up more recipes. Anyways, this month has been a roller coaster! LJ is getting SO big and into everything, I find myself sitting down very rarely! Bryce and I are currently house hunting which is very stressful and emotional, but we are both incredibly excited that the Lord has blessed to be in the position to even buy a home! For me, the faster we buy a home the better! It has been the biggest blessing that Bryce's dad has let us live at his house while we saved money, but it is definitely time for us to get own place. I will be sad when we move because we brought our baby home here, but way more excited to have our very own place to call HOME:)
Here are a few things we did this month:

Bryce and I went a few dates. We've been trying to get more creative of how we spend alone time together so we've been hiking( okay we only went once), and just enjoying every moment together. Sometimes I feel like i'm falling in love all over again with this boy. He's my best friend and God couldn't have given be a better man to live life with and to help raise my boy with.

 We took LJ to his first Angel game! He was so good and we had a lot of fun! Bryce was so excited to take him and share his love of baseball with him! Definitely the first of many:)
 LJ is standing up, crawling and cruising everywhere!!! He's getting so big and smart and I can definitely see his own little personality coming through. He loves to stand and look outside at the dogs and he also likes to play with blinds.

Bryce started playing softball Tuesday nights. Its fun to go watch him and to see him get his competitiveness out of him!
 I got a tattoo! I've been wanting a tattoo but haven't wanted to spend money on myself to get one. However, my Auntie graciously paid for me to get one which was really cool! I should've took a better picture but i'll post one later. This was right after it was finished.
 Bryce's little brother graduated high school! Yay Taylor! We are so proud of him. He we be playing football at The University of Redlands next year and we are SO excited to watch him play!
And of course I've  spent plenty of time with my love bug. He is the most amazing boy and everyday he's making me a better woman. I love you LJ. Thank you for bringing so much joy into everyone's lives!

Now, that your semi- caught up in whats been going on in my life, I'll switch to what i really wanted to right about and that's our amazing friends.Everyone needs that small group of friends, that are basically family. Life is hard, and if you don't have people there encouraging you and supporting you, it is even harder. Luckily, we are blessed with the most amazing best friends, who call our little family.

Bryce and I have been struggling with our faith lately and have been trying to find a new church. We have felt so run down and drained with the business of parenthood, house hunting and trying to figure out God's plan for us. If it wasn't for our besties I don't know where we would be! My two besties Kelsi and Emily are always there to hear my struggles, encourage me, pray for me, make me laugh, make me cry, and help me with LJ. They seriously mean the world to me and I'm so lucky they are in my life as well as LJ and Bryce's! Their significant others offer the same for Bryce and I know he feel the same!
 So, I just wanted to say thank you to our friends, who are a constant light in our world and I hope we can be half the friends y'all have been to us! We love you guys!
We couldn't have picked better God parents for our little boy. I know that if anything ever happened to me and Bryce they would raise LJ as their own and do an amazing job at it! Lj is so blessed to have your love and so are we:)

Have a great day everyone! I'll be posting another blog tomorrow for my baby, he's nine months today!!!!


  1. Don't give up (I know you guys won't :)) God has a place for you to serve and until you find your home church your place will be your home and discipling your precious little boy :) Hey, if you guys ever come out to Rock Harbor with Andy & Kelsi on a Saturday night, let us know and we'll tag along. We'd love to see & catch up with you & your family!


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