My first Mother's Day.

I had the most perfect Mother's day. I am so blessed to have an amazing little boy, and an equally amazing husband who made my day special! We started the morning with breakfast with my mom and the rest of my family. Next I had lunch with my boys and finished the day off with dinner at Bryce's mom's house. It was a great day!

Being a mom now, I realize how much of a sacrifice motherhood truly is, and what an amazing gift it is as well. I am so blessed to have had a wonderful and loving mother who sacrificed a lot for me to have a great childhood. I love you mom, and I am so thankful for you and that you are such a big part of my life as well as LJ's!

I hope all of you mommas out there had a wonderful Mother's day. Motherhood is a such a challenging and rewarding gift all at the same time. I am so blessed to be momma to my little man, and more importantly blessed to me married to his amazing father!

My handsome boys:)
Attempting to take a family picture!
 Even pip smiled for this pic lol!


  1. Haha these pictures are too cute!!! Love you!
    - chelsie

  2. You have the cutest little family! Happy belated Mother's day


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