LJ is 8 months!

So, this is a little late but I have been really busy lately! My baby is already 8 months! I can't believe it. It seems that everyday he looks older and is doing a new trick! I really love this stage that he is in. He is definitely a handful and makes me one tired momma by the end of the day, but he is SO fun! We have so much fun together. I love my little man more than I can express! Here a some things he is doing at 8 months:
- He is crawling everywhere! I can't take my eyes off him for more than second. He does a army crawl type thing, but boy does he move!
- He is pulling him self up on everything! Makes me super nervous and he's had a couple falls already, but   I love to see how proud he is of himself when he gets up:)
- He gives big wet kisses, which are my absolute favorite!
- He said mama for the first time on his 8 month bday!!! I was definitely one proud momma!
- He has two bottom teeth.
- He likes to stick his tongue out.
- He loves to chase Pip around; Pip is really good with him.
- He's not a fan of solids still but really likes to try and feed himself so I let him, which makes a huge mess but thats okay:)
- He likes the teether cookies and avocados the best. And water! He loves trying out his sippy cup!
- He's starting to point and will also offer you a bite of his cookie:)
- He's talking a whole lot:)
- He laughs all the time!
- He does a "stinky" face which is the cutest thing ever!
Here's some pics of my boy at 8 months:

 Getting into the movies
 silly boy;)
 Can't take my eyes off him for one minute!
 Little tongue:)
 Cutest little butt!
 Coming to get me...
 Got me!

 He looks so old in these pics!

 "Stinky" face
I have feeling he'll be walking in the next couple of months. He's getting so big and I grow more and more in love with this boy everyday! I love you LJ and am so proud of you, you make me one proud momma!
Thanks for reading!


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