
Welcome to my blog! I have been wanting to start a blog for what seems like forever, and I finally got to it and started it! So, for starters i'll tell everyone a little about myself.

My name is Kayla and I am 22 years young. I am a lover of God and a hippie at heart. I love to laugh and to make people laugh. I love to bake and be girly. I have the best friends and family a girl can ask for. I am not perfect, I make mistakes, but I live a beautiful life and am thankful for every breath God gives me.

I am a wife to an amazing man named Bryce. He completes me. He is the most hard-working, selfless, and loving person I know and I am honored that God chose me to be his. He makes me laugh, he's my best friend and I wouldn't want to live side by side anyone else.

We were married on July 17, 2010. It was one of the best days of my life. I say one of the best days because its tied with another amazing day.

On September 10, 2011, I became Landon's momma. He was 9lbs. 2 oz. and yes I had him naturally! If your a momma you know how strong a mother's love is. I would do anything for this little boy, he fills me with so much joy and I am so glad I was chosen to be his momma!
He is the sweetest, cutest, funniest, most perfect baby boy! I'm so blessed to be a stay at home mom, so I can spend every minute with him.  Everyday is a new adventure with him and I'm sure i'll be sharing a lot about my little LJ!

                            This is my beautiful family and my whole world. I am one lucky girl!

So. that's a little about me, and I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog. I will be sharing my life, things I love and everything in between! Thanks for reading!



  1. Welcome to the blogging world, lovely! You did a wonderful job at setting up a fabulous blog! Can't wait to read more :)


  2. P.S. I'm able to follow you through reader, but you might want to add a follow button of some sort to make it easier :)

  3. Thank You! Added the follow button! Thanks for the comment:)


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