
So, have I mentioned I love baking? Ever since I've been a stay at home momma I've been kind of a baking addict. Every Thursday I make treats for our bible study, and usually on the days in between too!
Today I was craving chocolate and peanut butter. With Easter right around the corner, all I see when I go to the store is those darn peanut butter eggs!!! My absolute favorite! So, I thought I would make my own peanut butter bars- and let me tell you they are AMAZING!
 Here's what you will need:
-1 1/2 cups of chocolate chips
-1 cup + 4 tablespoons of peanut butter
- 2 cups of graham cracker crumbs ( you use already crumbled grahams, or crumble them yourself in a food processor, I used the pre-crumbled)
- 2 cups of confectioner's or baker's sugar
-1 cup of melted butter

First, combine the cup of peanut butter, graham cracker crumbs, butter, and sugar in a large bowl. Stir until well incorporated. Then, press the batter evenly into an ungreased 13x9 inch pan. It should look like this:
Next, melt chocolate and remaining peanut butter in a double boiler (or if your me place a glass bowl over a boiling pot of water, making sure that the water does NOT touch the glass pan). It should look like this:
Once the chocolate in melted, spread it evenly over the peanut butter batter. Your taste buds should be tingly right about now, and it should look like this:
After your done spreading the chocolate over the batter, stick the pan in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. I took my boy outside to enjoy the beautiful day while I waited. Yes, I know he's getting very chubby:)
After you've patiently waited, cut into small squares (or big ones) and enjoy! This is a really simple and delicious treat to make for any occasion!
Thanks for reading! 


  1. This is great Kayla. I hope you're having fun!

    How about some pictures of your beautiful BFF too?

    BTW, my grandmother was known to all of her grandkids (including me!) as… Mama Kay!


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