I'm back!
So its been an incredibly long time since I last blogged! Life has been a bit crazy the past few months. I needed to be away for a while but now I'm going to try and be more consistent with blogging because I truly love it!
Back in December, the week before Christmas, Bryce broke is foot. He has been off work for about 12 weeks now, so needless to say we have had a lot of stress and craziness! But it is okay. At first it was overwhelming dealing with Bryce being on disability, the disability money not coming in, and on top of that a very active and spirited toddler! Life is now leveling out though. Bryce should be returning to work next month! His foot is feeling really good, and I am dealing with life a lot better! We are learning to enjoy every minute of life and to not let hardships dictate our attitude. We are also learning how to parent a toddler, which for my fellow mommas out there, is completely different than an infant!
All in all life is really good. I am so hopeful, and I am so blessed to have really great friendships and relationships in general lately! Bryce and I have connected with other families and it has been so wonderful to hang out with friends that are on the same walk of life as us.
These past few months have been overwhelming at times but I have grown a lot and God has carried me many times through my dark days. I am so thankful for his grace and love and forever willingness to provide. I am thankful to all our family who has helped us out SO much during these past few months whether its been money, cleaning our apartment, laundry, encouragement or a shoulder to cry on. Our family rocks! I don't know what these months would have looked like without our incredible support system! So, if i haven't said it enough THANK YOU to our families who have done so much for us lately! You guys are a huge blessing!!!

Our crazy family Christmas pic! We were decorating the tree:)
XO, Kay
Back in December, the week before Christmas, Bryce broke is foot. He has been off work for about 12 weeks now, so needless to say we have had a lot of stress and craziness! But it is okay. At first it was overwhelming dealing with Bryce being on disability, the disability money not coming in, and on top of that a very active and spirited toddler! Life is now leveling out though. Bryce should be returning to work next month! His foot is feeling really good, and I am dealing with life a lot better! We are learning to enjoy every minute of life and to not let hardships dictate our attitude. We are also learning how to parent a toddler, which for my fellow mommas out there, is completely different than an infant!
All in all life is really good. I am so hopeful, and I am so blessed to have really great friendships and relationships in general lately! Bryce and I have connected with other families and it has been so wonderful to hang out with friends that are on the same walk of life as us.
These past few months have been overwhelming at times but I have grown a lot and God has carried me many times through my dark days. I am so thankful for his grace and love and forever willingness to provide. I am thankful to all our family who has helped us out SO much during these past few months whether its been money, cleaning our apartment, laundry, encouragement or a shoulder to cry on. Our family rocks! I don't know what these months would have looked like without our incredible support system! So, if i haven't said it enough THANK YOU to our families who have done so much for us lately! You guys are a huge blessing!!!
I have really missed posting updates on LJ, so I am going to do a big 18 month post either tonight or tomorrow. Yes, that was correct I have an 18 month old! My baby is growing SO fast and he is turning into one awesome and fun little boy! He is loving, smart, funny, and SO active. He is non stop literally! He fills us with so much joy it's crazy! If it wasn't for him I don't know how I would deal with life sometimes. He motivates me and encourages me in way he will never know. Love you LJ!Here are some pics from the last few months, mostly of LJ because thats all I take pictures of lol!
Bryce graduated in December! Nutella monster!!!
Christmas cutie:)
Christmas morning with momma and daddy!
Lunchtime fun! He eats like a piggy!
My selfless hubby! Love him so dang much<3
"Goooooo" lol
I love this last picture so much because it totally sums up the past few months! Love my little family so much, they make life worth living and fill it with unmeasurable amounts of joy:)XO, Kay
yay, I enjoy reading your blog. :)