Thankful heart.

"Just think of all you have to be thankful for." This is what Bryce told me as I was crying my eyes out. He was right, I knew he was, and I had let my selfish desires and emotions get the best of me. Why was I so upset when I had the the most caring and selfless husband telling me everything is okay and the most precious baby boy looking at me wondering what the heck happened to his mom that usually has it all together. Life happened. Being young and married is difficult, and adding a baby and everything else on top of that makes life stressful and not any easier. That morning it seemed everything hit me at once and I was blaming myself for everything little thing. I had just got off the phone with financial aid and they dropped the bomb of how much money we now owe back because of student loans. On top of that, the realization that we were still living in Bryce's dad's house longer than we intended and everything else in my life that stressed me out finally broke...